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How to Use Log A Call in Salesforce Classic, Salesforce Lightning & Salesforce1 Mobile App

Vy Dang
3/31/21 11:15 AM

To manage the sales operation effectively in a CRM like Salesforce, every call should be logged. If not, there's a big chance that you will lack the crucial visibility you need for sales management.

Logging calls to Salesforce allows you to identify which reps are most active and efficient, how reps are following up with leads, and accurately predict how many calls it takes to drive opportunities and revenue. 

So how do you log a call in Salesforce? Well, you came to the right place!
In this article, we will show how to use Log A Call functionality from Salesforce to log your calls in Salesforce Classic, Salesforce Lightning, and from Salesforce1 Mobile App.

We - the folks here at Salestrail - are all about sales efficiency, so we want to introduce you to easy, or might we say, the smart way to do this. By having your calls automatically logged into Salesforce with Salestrail.

Salestrail is an easy-to-use solution for sales professionals to automatically log calls to Salesforce. Salestrail automates the Salesforce call logging process, capturing all call details such as

  • Outgoing/incoming calls 
  • Answered / unanswered calls 
  • Total call duration, etc.
  • Get the entire call history under one view

But if you insist on the mind-numbing, dragging manual way to log a call - here’s our step by step guide.

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One more thing, make sure your "Log A Call” button is visible in Salesforce, under your Activity component. This button allows you to log your calls manually into Salesforce. 

If the button doesn't appear in the Activity component, read this guide on how to turn it on 

Log a Call button in Salesforce Lightning

Log a Call button in Salesforce Classic

Log A Call in Salesforce Classic 

Step 1: Log into Salesforce.com. From the main page select the Lead or Contact that you want to log a call for

Step 2: Let's say we want to log a call you had with Mary Rider. On her contact card, select Activities History

Step 3: Click on Log A Call button

Step 4: Fill in this information Subject (Inbound or Outbound, Answered or Unanswered), Comment, Related to an Account or Opportunity. Click Save


Et voilà ! There you have it. The list of all your call logs for Mary Rider

Yep, Salestrail can help salespeople with all that steps by logging your calls automatically into Salesforce. Then data will flow into a chic dashboard to give you actionable insights immediately. It's super-fast, easy to use, and saves you time from setting up another Salesforce report. Get your free 5-day trial now and only 7$/month after that.

Log A Call in Salesforce Lightning

Step 1: Log into Salesforce.com Lightning Experience. From the Home page select the Lead or Contact that you want to log a call for

Step 2: On your contact card, click on Log A Call under the Activity Component

Step 3: Fill in the information Subject (Inbound or Outbound, Answered or Unanswered), Comment, Related to which Account or Opportunity. Then click Save

And DONE! Here's the list of all your call logs for Mary Rider

Do you know that not only Salestrail can capture calls automatically, the solution is also highly customizable
You can customize Salestrail to fit with Salesforce objects, custom forms and fields, and Salesforce workflows so you can store and arrange data as how you would like it to be. 

Log A Call in Salesforce1 Mobile App

Using the Salesforce1 app, you can manually log calls in Salesforce from your mobile devices as well. This is a nice feature, but it still requires reps to want to log a call in Salesforce and then take the time to do so.

Step 1: Open a Lead or Contact record. Click on Show More (Android) or
" +  sign" (iOS)

Step 2: Select Log A Call button


Step 3: Enter the all the call info you would like to log and click Submit

BOOM ! There you go! Here's what your call log list should look like 

Follow Salestrail's blog for more tools, tips, and techniques on Salesforce and other sales best practices.

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